Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Learning At Home - New Items This Week

 This is our new schedule.  I used icons to help organize our work.  This helps Preschool Veg be more independent.  When he's finished with a task he turns the icon around.  I got the small pocket chart for $1 at the Dollar Spot at Target.  I did laminate the icons so they last longer, but by using this method I don't have to use Velcro!  Money saver!!

I introduced the "help" icon during Preschool Veg's independent work.  He has three help cards.  If he needs assistance during that time he can ask for it three times.  This is during work that is at his independent level, so really he shouldn't need any assistance.

 We created a little reading area!

I created a letter book bin to put in his weekly letter books!

I created an audio books box, puzzle box and games area for some of his "centers".

I put our awesome Melissa and Doug easel to good use this week!  (bought from Amazon)  I made an art center station!  I will use it a few times a week with a fun and simple art project!

I made the other side of the easel into a work area as well.  I'll use this for matching and other skills on a large scale. :)  We are having fun!