Thursday, June 18, 2009


I found a neat website that is all about wine. We (meaning ME of course) here at Vegetarian Mamma love wine! So I was pretty pumped when I found supplewine ( It has a wealth of wine information on it, including wine pairing information. I searched their pairing wine section (found HERE) and found some great information. The site educated me that a dish with hearty mushrooms like a portabella can take on a Bordeaux or Cab Sauvignon wine, where as more green veggies would be complimented by Cab Franc or Sauvignon Blanc. YUM, all this talk about wine and food is making my hungry!

The site also have videos on how to open wine with a variety of openers. I have one that works well but always wondered just how those waiters at restaurants open with those little openers. Here is a video showing you how!

The website also has a section for those wine lovers wishing to learn more about a specific wine and learn the wine grade. You can type a wine type into a searchable database and it will inform you of the wine grade. Overall, very cool site and it has gotten me in the mood to have a girls night in with some good wine and food!