Monday, February 20, 2012

Busy Bag: Shape Puzzles

Each week, I make the boys new activities.  This year its my goal to blog about them as well!  This activity above was one that I printed from HERE.  The link brings you to Confessions of a Homeschooler (GREAT SITE), scroll down the list until you see "Shape Puzzles". 

To make this activity, print all 4 pages in color.  I'd suggest printing on card stock or laminating for durability.  Then cut the shapes in half on the black dotted line.  I really like this activity because it is colorful, the shapes are large and the shapes also have shape names on them :)

If you are making this activity for a busy bag swap, you need:
the set of shapes printed and cut (card stock or laminated, all 4 pages)
(for each participant)