Monday, January 23, 2012

52 Weeks, Healthier YOU and ME: Week 1

Right.... so I do realize that I am posting about week 1 and its pretty much week 4 of the year!  I have a little catch up to do but for those that really know me....I guess that is how I roll!  (always a little behind)  LOL  In order to get a little behind, literally this time, not figuratively I'd like to embark on a journey this year to eating healthier and becoming more active!

(please visit her GREAT site!)

Over at Skinny Mom's Kitchen, she is hosting a 52 Week series to Healthier Weight Loss Habits.  You can see her tips and tricks page by clicking HERE.   I like and appreciate that each tip/suggestion she gives is one that she is capable of doing herself, as a busy mommy!   So for week 1 the new habit is to start a food journal.  I have done this before and it is effective.  I always seem to end up making excuses to not fill it out but this time I am trying the LoseIt app on my phone.  My neighbors are doing it as well and we have linked our accounts.  We can see each others progress so that adds some accountability!  I think just being honest and entering all the foods you eat gives you a clear picture of where you consume the most calories and you can make adjustments.  My older son and I went out for a "lunch date" yesterday.  We ate at Noodles.  I entered my regular size mac and cheese and it was 900 calories.  YIKES!!  I am glad that I had only eaten half of it, but that is a ton of calories!  I think food journaling opens your eyes and for me, mine need to be reopened....AGAIN!

So are you going to join me?

Read all about Week 1 over at Skinny Mom's Kitchen by clicking HERE.