Monday, April 4, 2011

Fat Free Vegan Kitchen - some website love

OKay so for all your meat lovers and vegetarians who still enjoy dairy, don't let the name fool you!  SusanV has some great recipes on her website!!  You can find her at:

SusanV has a great story, here is how she describes herself on her 'about me' page:
"My name is Susan Voisin, and I’m a vegan–in other words, I don’t eat or wear anything that’s made of or by animals. I went vegetarian in 1988 because I didn’t want to eat animals. Then, about 6 years later, I eliminated all animal products from my diet (and as many as possible from my life), learned how to cook without added fat, and lost over 100 pounds. (Just to be clear, I fell off the fat-free wagon and regained some of that weight, so I’m no “after photo” yet.) For the past few years I’ve maintained the Fatfree Vegan Recipes website, a collection of over 1400 low-fat vegan recipes sent in by hundreds of people."

SusanV has really made a positive impact on her life by choosing products with no fats and ones with "good fat".  Here is a glimpse of what she says about the "fat free business" :
"In general, I don’t cook with refined fats (oil, margarine, and shortening). This simply means that instead of sautéing in oil, I use water or broth. In baking, I substitute apple sauce or flax seeds or some other substance for margarine, butter, or shortening. I do use a little sesame oil now and then because a little bit imparts a lot of flavor. And once in a very long while, I go crazy and make something with a little olive oil in it, but this is rare, and I don’t use whole heaping gobs of it."

Love her story, her humor and her recipes!  Check her out!