Thursday, March 17, 2011

Freshly Milled Flour - What's the BIG deal?

So why am I moving to using freshly milled flour?
Imagine you’re invited to help yourself to some fresh fruit. You look over plump grapes, ripe bananas, cherries bursting at the seams, but decide on a red, delicious apple. Taste buds salivating, you take a large bite only to discover—ptooey!—the fruit is wax. All the glistening goodness was only a mirage. Commercially milled products—the breads, cereals, pancake batters, etc. that stock the supermarket shelves—are the wax fruit in the bowl. All of the look with none of the taste or nutrition.  (reference) I found this quote on a bakery website and felt it was perfect for the message I am trying to convey about my new findings!
Flour manufacturers remove the most nutrient rich part of the grain (2 of the 3 parts of a wheat kernel ) and use the part with the least amount of nutrients to make store flour.  The reason this is done is that this flour can have a shelf life.  Freshly milled flour is nutrient rich, however once the wheat kernel is broken oxidation occurs.  Freshly milled flour needs to be used fairly quickly after it is milled.  With any milled flour almost all nutrients are gone within 3 days of milling.  So it is very important to use freshly milled flour to gain all nutrients.  I have learned that you can freeze freshly milled flour; it does not stop the oxidation process but it does slow it.  You can store freshly milled flour in your freezer for up to 3 months before it turns rancid from the oils.  However, it is best to bake your goods first to lock in the nutrients and then freeze the goods.
I have been amazed at honestly how "full" the bread and muffins make me feel when I use this flour.  Interesting, I know but I have heard that from several other friends as well!  For some friends, it has done wonders on their digestive system, no more extra fiber needed in their diets! LOL
Loving my  new adventure to a healthier family and ME!  :)